Florida Maternal
Mental Health
FL BHIMPACT FREE Psychiatric Consultation Hotline 1-833-951-0296

The FLMMHC (Florida Maternal Mental Health Collaborative) is group of stakeholders throughout the state of Florida dedicated to achieving our Vision, Mission and Goals.
Founded in 2015 by Lauren DePaola, LCSW and Heather Flynn, PhD., the Florida MMH Collaborative is a 501c3 non-profit. We engage leaders of organizations around the state within a steering committee and larger numbers of professionals, advocates and families throughout the state via work groups and general membership.
We are invested in our Vision to ensure every woman in Florida and her family receives the help and support they need for optimal mental health and well-being.
Perinatal mental illness is THE #1 health complication related to pregnancy and after delivery (postpartum).
Learn more facts HERE.
Approximately 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men will experience a mental health complication during the time of pregnancy or after delivery.
Florida's most precious asset is the health of it's families. The foundation of a family begins with the health of it's parents. Health IS Wealth and mental health (a critical component of health) cannot be overlooked.
We aim to assist PROVIDERS in finding resources and education and help Moms and Dads
FIND HELP in their communities.
Our Vision
Every woman in Florida and her family will receive the help and support they need for optimal maternal mental health and well-being.
Our Mission
The Florida Maternal Mental Health (MMH) Collaborative brings together statewide partners to close the critical gaps in perinatal mental health education, policy, prevention, treatment, and outcomes for women and their families.
Our Goals
To increase statewide awareness of perinatal mental health as an underserved medical issue and to eliminate stigma surrounding mental health.
To improve statewide capacity to treat perinatal mental health and substance abuse with accessible and evidence-based treatments, and to improve payment for services, coordination of care among health and service professionals.
To ensure that an array of health professionals have the education and training to effectively screen, treat, and manage perinatal mental health conditions.
To advocate for improved maternal mental health and substance abuse outcomes at the policy and individual level
To target efforts specifically for vulnerable groups of women and families (e.g., Medicaid, low income) to ensure that women and their families receive culturally tailored support and resources to address holistic and psychosocial needs.
Get engaged with our work as we strive to achieve our goals.